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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Swag Bucks! Earn money for searching!

I wanted to tell you about one of my newest favorite discoveries!!! It's called Swag Bucks! You might have noticed it in the upper lefthand corner on this page and wondered what it was all about. Well, I'm going to tell you all about it right now...

I was pretty hesitant to jump on the Swag Bucks bandwagon. I saw blog after blog talk about it forever, but I was really skeptical. I finally decided to try it about a month ago. Boy, am I sure wishing that I had joined sooner!!!

This is the best program ever. It is in no way a scam. It's awesome!! Basically, you set Swagbucks as your search engine and get paid in "swagbucks" when you search. It's just like using Google, but it's called Swagbucks. I don't use it all day, but I use it throughout the day so that I can earn for searching. Usually, I'll earn anywhere from 1 to 4 swagbucks a day, depending on how often I search. There are other ways to earn as well, like referring friends, trading in cell phones, following the newsletter, playing Twitter Trivia, following on facebook, and shopping online. Searching is the easiest, though. You just earn a little money for doing what you already normally do every day while you're on the internet. It's so great!

Here's how I make it work for me. Instead of going to bookmarked sites, I type them in Swagbucks and then click on them. It's one little extra step that earns me money in the process. =)

I've been signed up for a little over a month now, and I already have 200 Swagbucks! My favorite prize to cash in for is an giftcard. It only costs 45 swagbucks for a $5 giftcard. That means I almost have a $25 Amazon giftcard! It's great to use as a little extra money to buy Christmas presents, birthday gifts, etc.

So do yourself a favor and go sign up! You'll be glad you did. Trust me!

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