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Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Frugal, Yet Fun Weekend...

My husband and I have both been really busy lately. We decided to make this up-coming weekend enjoyable, fun, and relaxing. Mostly, we just want to spend some quality time together.

Just to let you in on a glimpse of our lives, here's how we're enjoying our weekend without breaking the bank!

Tonight I am making black bean burgers with potatoes fried on the stove (yummy!). We are going to maybe drop by the Blockbuster Kiosk and pick up a free movie to watch. Or we might read, take a walk, just talk, play a board game, etc. Just a nice RELAXING stress-free night together!

Tomorrow I will probably wake up and make us pancakes or waffles. We do this pretty much every Saturday. It's kind of a tradition. I'll do some blogging and cleaning, while he works in the garage for a bit.

Then, I am making our homemade pizza for lunch or dinner. We are going to carve our pumpkin in the afternoon. We went to the pumpkin patch last week (picture above) and picked out a pumpkin together, along with some smaller pumpkins for Harvest decorations around the house. =) Spending money at the pumpkin patch was our "splurge" this month. We paid for it with some of the $120 extra money we have from cutting the grocery budget.

We'll probably bake the pumpkin seeds. Yummy!!! =)

Tomorrow night we are going to go up to Barnes & Noble, each with one of these coupons in hand. We'll browse books (we're both avid readers), and enjoy some conversation over our free hot chocolates and cookies!

Sunday, we'll go to church together, but after that I'll be going to spend some time with my cousin. =)

Just a little glimpse into our life...

How are you enjoying this weekend without spending too much money? Share below in the comments section!



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