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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Q & A Time: Collecting old coupon inserts...

Sara asked me a great question...

"Is there any way that you know of to get a hold of coupons from past RP and SS inserts since I had not started couponing yet?"

My answer: Possibly, but don't focus your worries on it.

There are many ways to collect multiple coupon inserts (more info here, here, and here), but there aren't many easy ways that I know of getting your hands on past inserts.

Where I live, I know that the downtown newspaper office keeps newspapers from 1 -2 months ago. I actually have a couponing friend who missed a month of collecting the Sunday inserts, and she went downtown to buy all of them for the entire month! So, I know that this is a way you can get some of them. Try calling your local newspaper and asking them if there's a way to get your hands on old coupon inserts from previous Sunday newspapers.

My honest advice, though, is to not focus your efforts on this so much. Everybody faces this problem when first starting out. It can be overwhelming and frustrating to see all of the deals that are matched up to older coupons that you don't have yet, but don't let it get you down! Start slow, and focus on catching the deals that you already have coupons for. You can use printable coupons, coupons you find while in the store, and the few coupon inserts that you already have.

Before you know it, you will have a nice stash of coupons. It really does not take as long as you think. I would say if you have a month's worth, you can catch quite a big chunk of the deals with the coupons you have. You still have a lot of deals that require coupons from 2 to even 5 months back sometimes, but the majority of them can usually be used with more recent coupons.

I would focus my efforts on learning the system of couponing, learning what a great deal is, reading about the deals each week, trying out some shopping with coupons, and finding out how easy and fun it can be to save money! This will make it not so overwhelming in the beginning, and by the time you have a stash of coupons, you will be an expert!

Hope that helps, Sara!

I love questions! Feel free to ask them as often as you'd like. I'm here to help!



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